The latest video featuring the Barton Hills Choir is a stop-motion animated video created by music teacher and Choir Director Gavin Tabone. Created from over 1,800 still photos, The Silly Adventures of Mr Turtle Volume 1 is set to the Peter Pan classic, “Never Smile at a Crocodile,” performed by sixth grade members of the choir. Tabone played all of the instruments on keyboard with the exception of electric guitar, played by Aaron Dembe. Audio was mastered by the choir’s drummer, Jake Perlman.
The story….
Mr. Turtle has some clam friends and some wild friends.
Calm friend #1 (Mr. Duster) comes over to play. They have a great time.
Wild friend #1 (Mr. Blue Tape) comes over and brings them outside to play. Mr. Blue Tape plays TOO ROUGH. He really messes them up!
Calm friend #2 (Mr. Vacuum Cleaner) comes over to play. They have a great time.
Wild friend #2 (Mr. Red Tape) comes over and brings them outside to play.
Mr. Red Tape plays TOO ROUGH. He really messes them up!
Calm friends #3 (Cotton Ball Pals) come over to play. They have a great time.
Wild friend #3 (Mr. Green Tape) comes over and brings them outside to play. Mr. Green Tape plays TOO ROUGH. He really messes them up!
Calm friends #4 (Bead Heads) come over to play. They have a great time.
Wild friend #4 (Mr. Yellow Tape), the wildest of them all, comes over and brings them outside to play. Mr. Yellow Tape really plays TOO ROUGH. He changes the color of the Bead Heads and buries Mr. Turtle so only his little tushy sticks out. The only way he can communicate with the outside world is by whispering to the Bead Heads.
Well, there’s only one dude that can tame the Wild Tapes. Timmy Mr. Frizzy Head! He tames them so well that he can now ride them like horses. Timmy Mr. Frizzy Head trots back and saves Mr. Turtle.
What about everyone else???
Oh well, “Bye”. Mr. Duster, Mr. Vacuum, the Cotton Ball Pals, and the Bead Heads begin to very slowly and sadly walk away.
Don’t worry, Mr. Turtle comes back and takes his calm friends outside to play.